About Etch

Etch, the Energy Transmission Competence Hub, conducts pioneering research in the field of future-proofing electricity networks with large-scale integration of High Voltage Direct Current HVDC technology and underground cables. 

At Etch, we go beyond the state-of-the-art as DC technology is key to deploy the future grid. It will bring huge capacity, flexibility and cost benefits in the future power system, but underground transmission will also benefit society. Through cutting-edge research, collaborative partnerships, and comprehensive training programs, we aim to accelerate the energy transition, and this in close partnership with industry professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders. Etch aims to navigate the complexities of evolving energy landscapes, ensuring reliable, resilient, and sustainable electricity systems for generations to come.

Etch was founded by EnergyVille, the collaboration between Belgian research partners KU Leuven, VITO, imec and UHasselt for research into sustainable energy and intelligent energy systems, and receives support from the Flemish Government.

Our mission

Developing the future transmission system that is necessary to meet our sustainability goals is a mars-mission, which requires an acceleration to succeed, and this through coordination, cooperation and innovation. 

To support this, Etch will:   

Our vision

The future transmission system shall be multi-gigawatt, power electronics based and underground and requires massive innovation to realize a sustainable, reliable and cost-effective energy system. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, we aspire to be the foremost thought leader and catalyst for research and innovation in the field of electricity infrastructure, driving progress towards a more interconnected, electrified, and sustainable world. 

About our team

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